What’s Your Game Plan? has been featured at more than 100 conferences and workshops across the United States. Highlights include:
- Educause Conference (a record 200 people in the room!)
- CUNY IT Conference
- Bronx CUNY Edtech Showcase
- Gencon Convention
From Presenters Who Used the Game
This week I gave a talk at Columbia University’s Teacher’s College to a math Ed class for elementary school teachers on gaming. I did some theory and then we played a couple of games and then we did … Joe’s card deck! It was amazing!! And the math games they came up with were terrific. A really nice variant on BlackJack, adding fraction cards up to a certain fraction, with a “pirate card” where you could steal some one else’s fraction card, and a “hiding” card where you could cover up your card….inspired by the “character” card in Joe’s deck, and the mechanic of “hiding”– wow! and a great and complicated checkers game with negative numbers… I was floored by the awesomeness! Joe, five of them came up to me after and asked how they could buy your deck!!! And thank you thank you to Joe and the amazing magical deck!
–Prof. Kathleen Offenholley
When I first encountered WYGP? during a session with Joe Bisz and members of the CUNY Games Network, I was hooked. Not only was this a transformative moment for me as an educator, but I knew that I would share this method forward with colleagues in the future to keep our teaching fresh. WYGP? is an inspiring way to show faculty how they can successfully approach complex and challenging lessons, while interjecting a spirit of fun and excitement into our teaching. I am now running workshop sessions using WYGP? with colleagues, and we continue to see commonalities in our teaching and discover new ways to innovate the learning process.
–Síoċáın Hughes; Educator, Artist, Graphics Designer
The concept of creating a game, and what it would look like–how this would work, how the pieces would fit together–is a very useful tool in the business world, even if you would never use the actual game itself.
–Randy Aimone, Business Speaker and Marketing Consultant
From Audience Members Who Played the Game
I’m a novice, but I know I’ll be able to incorporate the games you showed us into my school’s courses. I learned a lot and felt like I was back in the game.
Diane Auerbach Lerner, Instructional Designer
Center for Online Education, Learning, and Academic Services
Excelsior College
I had the great privilege of getting to know Joe and his work, and his fascinating approach to gamification in the Higher Education classroom during a session of the 2015 Achieving the Dream conference entitled “What’s Your Game Plan?” Joe offered an engaging, interactive, well-organized mini-workshop that not only inspired participants but gave us a sense that this wasn’t over our heads, but a pedagogical tool we could easily embrace and implement on our own and right away.
Dr. Aimee E. Berger
Director of Faculty Programs
Cengage Learning Publishing Company
What’s Your Game Plan? in the NEWS
BrainPOP: Game-based Learning Design Workshop
BrainPOP and Game-Based Learning NYC team up to offer New York City designers and educators a game design workshop—featuring Joe’s unique card game What’s Your Game Plan?